
Chris is suddenly making good progress, so he can sit up at the table for longer, and move around more. This is a relief.

The welders, who've worked at a rate of microns for days, have had a tongue-lashing from Yanni, and have stepped the pace up today. They didn't show up at all yesterday, and though the gap in the constant arcing and grinding was a relief we all just want them to finish and go away now.

Once they're done the paving slabs can go in. It'll look wonderful!

Takis, Marie and I are working to the usual routine of swimming in the morning, though without Chris, but Chris has been going a bit mad, being stuck inside all day. I'm thinking a beach lounger on the terrace might be a plan this afternoon, just for a change!

The other day I heard a bell outside, and looked out the window, assuming a sheep had got loose, and it was a mule, trailing his lead rope, and looking suitably sheepish. He skedaddled pretty smartly back up to his paddock when the welders showed up to start work, but it was a funny little encounter. I'd heard him whinneying before, but hadn't actually seen him until then.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Chris thanks for giving me Apocalyptica! I just love it, have it on my MP3 and play it all the time!
