Running out of ideas for titles already...

Yesterday afternoon was lovely. I did very little but write. We went down to Paralia just before nine and met up with our dinner party. One of the girls who was to be there had a very nasty car accident on her way to Kyparissi, and stayed at another nearby village. She was uninjured, but her car rolled and I'm sure she has bruises and had a really awful shock. I haven't heard yet, but hope she's now here, and is feeling okay.

The other new person came soon after us, and I took a real shine to her. She's a Londoner, and is very easy to get along with. We had a lovely evening, eating too much, then swapping chairs to mix it up a bit so we could talk to everyone. By midnight we were all exhausted and excused ourselves. I slept in until 7 AM yesterday morning, which is lovely. All these dawn viewings have become a little tiresome!

I'm very tired. We went to the beach and swam (Chris continuously with fins), and then came home for lunch. Chris and I watched the F1, and Marie and Takis took their usual siesta. We then had a quiet, early night in, which ended up being quite noisy and late.

This morning we went to Malaoi (not sure about that spelling), which is a little crap-hole, but has what we needed, so we stuck with it and got lots done, then came home for a late lunch, and now everyone's asleep or very, very still. The really cool thing is that the builder started work building the new fence today, and made amazing progress. It'll rock when it's finished.

I got some new sandals in the crap-hole. They've lovely, and are my birthday present from T&M.

Another night out tonight, with a British couple who go back to England tomorrow...


  1. I really hate to use this comment opportunity to give you a message, but my emails are not working - I think the geek server's fallen over. I'll set up another email account for the time being, but thought Chris perhaps needs to know, even if he doesn't really want to know.

  2. We know. We can't get our Geek mail either. Greg is going to go to our house and sort it out for us tonight (tomorrow morning for you).
