Too Much Sun

Yesterday I spent the morning watching the men level the section, in preparation for laying the pavers down next week, and didn't wear a hat. I got mild sun-stroke, and had a pounding headache for most of the day. As a result I didn't write anything down about the previous days, so this is going to be a patchy post as I plumb my memories.

We have swum the last few mornings, we've had lovely propera, salad, hot cheese*, and the usual beer at lunch, and we've taken it easy during the afternoons. One night Chris made us goges for dinner, which was wonderful, and last night we had dinner with cousins (and met another cousin - inevitable) at the cafenion, which is famous for its spitted chickens (we of course ate one). Chris has been working a lot, but has managed to swim several kilometres this week, and I've had a lovely time too.

Barry and Jane left for Georgia, where Barry's educational psychology has been put to good use 13 years running.

We met Jacqui's son, and hope to see more of his family before we go, and I think apart from Chris and Takis going to Malaoi tomorrow we have no concrete plans for a while. Chris has some pictures of the progression of the landscaping he will post at some stage.

* Hot cheese is a chilli cheese spread from Northern Greece - very yummy!

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